export专升本 常考熟词僻义

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【试题链接】 If the preoccupation of schools with academic(a.①) work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.[1995年Text4]


【试题链接】 Mr. McWhorter’s academic(a.②) speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of“whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.[2005年Text4]


【试题链接】 Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic(n.) and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much“reengineering” has been crude.[1998年Text2]



【试题链接】 52. What is many captive shippers’ attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?[2003年Text3] [D] Apprehensive(②).

【译文】 52、许多货主对铁路部门的合并持什么态度? [D]担心,害怕


【试题链接】 Yet, dramatic(①) instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive.[1995年Text5]


【试题链接】 As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic(②) measures may be ineffective and painful.[2003年Text 4]

【译文】作为一名医生,我深知 *** 昂贵和 *** 激进的手段也可能是无效的和痛苦的。

【试题链接】 Straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic(③) declarations on the chance they might be wrong.[2003年Text1]

【译文】司特雷福公司的简报听上去不像华盛顿当局常常提供的躲闪的言辞, *** 机构往往避免发布引人注目的言论,因为这些言论可能出错。


【试题链接】 To be fair(a.①), this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.[1997年Text2]


【试题链接】 In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs(n.) and at the industrial fairs in major cities.[1996年Text4]



【试题链接】 In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered, it is also frequently partial(①) or partisan.[1999年翻译]


【试题链接】 53. The author deems that the well-known TV personality is _____.[1995年Text1] [D] obviously partial(②) in his views on advertising

【译文】 53、作者认为:那位著名的电视人物_____。 [D]对广告的评价有明显的偏见


【试题链接】 Such characteristics make them perfect(①) candidates for Dr. Brosnan’s and Dr. de Waal’s study.[2005年Text1]

【译文】因为这些特点,它们(猴子)成为了Brosnan和de Waal博士的 *** 佳研究“侯选人”。

【试题链接】 However, there are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel will be available, or when human cloning will be perfected(v.), or when time travel will be possible.[2001年翻译]


【试题链接】 During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure(a.) had been transformed by economic risk and new realties.[2007年Text3]

【译文】在过去的一代,美国的中产阶级家庭曾经依靠努力工作和平等公正以保持财政 *** ,但是却被经济风险和新的现实所改变。

【试题链接】 Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure(v.①) this ability.[2008年翻译]


【试题链接】 It does not push or pull, it selects(v.), and this function is difficult to discover and *** yze.[2002年翻译]


【试题链接】 In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select(a.) committee, Lord Irvine said he(37:agreed) with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not(38:offer) sufficient control.[2001年完形]

【译文】在写给众议院新闻媒体特别委员会Gerald Kaufman主席的信中,Irvine勋爵说,他赞同委员会今年的报告,该报告称,对自我约束并未予以足够的监控。


【试题链接】 Now it is a social policy, the most important and aggressive(②) promoter of gambling in America is the government.[2006年新题型]

【译文】现在赌博是一种社会政策,赌博业 *** 重要的和 *** 激进的倡导者是美国 *** 。


【试题链接】 It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm(a.①) home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. [1995年Text 1]


【试题链接】Until California recently passed a law, American firms(n.) did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray.[2007年Text 4]

【译文】直到加利福尼亚 *** 近通过了一项法律,美国的公司不必告知任何人信息何时泄露,甚至包括受害人。

a.①立即的,即时的;②直接的, *** 接近的

【试题链接】 But a decision among projects none of which has immediate(②) utility is more difficult.[1996年翻译]


【试题链接】 For any job search, you should start with a narrow(a.) concept— what you think you want to do— then broaden it.[2004年Text1]


【试题链接】 Narrowing(v.①) your criteria, for example, may work against you:“Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility.” says one expert.[2004年Text1]


【试题链接】 It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed(v.②) as other countries grew richer.[2000年Text1]





PartⅠ. Structure(1 point×20=20 points)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4choices marked A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. This year the factory turned ____twice as many bicycles as it did last year.

2. The taxi is _____in this little town, but most people seem to prefer the bus.

A. valuable B. available C. acceptable D. considerable

3.____had professor Smirh finished his report when stormy applause broke out.

A. scarcely B. no sooner C. Never D. Seldom

4. We don't agree with his view ____there is no advantage in introducing the new method.

A. which B. that C. what D. when

5. The noise around was terrible, but they had to ____it

A. put up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. catch up with

6. He prefers to read books ____watch TV.

A. other than B. better than C. rather than D. more than

7. I'm pleased with ____ you have told me.

A. that B. all that C. all what D. which

8. The prices of the products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.

A. risen B. raised C. arisen D. aroused

9.There isn’t ____ good news in today's newspaper.

A. many B. much C. little D. a few

10. When ____,the novel will become one of the best-sellers of the year.

A.publishing B. being published C. have published D. published

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each black with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET.

11. The France have put forward a(propose) ___________ for a joint project.

12. Without a protection program, experts feat that lowland forests are likely(vanish) _________ within five years.

13. Many a man ____________(think) life is meaningless without a purpose.

14. He is so stupid that he seems to be(capable) ___________ to understand the simple instructions.

15. Children from(break) ____________ families seem to be more self-dependant and prefer acting on their own.

16. He was found guilty of crime and put into prison that is the place for punishing the(crime) ____________.

17. The hu *** and has almost been driver mad by his wife's(end) ____________ complaints.

18. I'm sure there is a bank somewhere in the(neighbour) ____________ of the railway station.

19. The little boy finally managed(find) __________ what he was looking for.

20. He has decided to devote(him) ____________ to helping blind people.

PartⅡ.Reading Comprehension(1 point×20=20 points)

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of then there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

The sale of gods and services is not restricted, to local regional or national markets; it ofter takes place on international basis. Nation import goods that they lack or cannot produce as efficiently as other nations, and they export goods that they can produce more efficiently. This exchange of goods and services in the world, or global market is known as international trade. There are there main benefits to be gained form this type of exchange.

First, international trade marks scarce goods available to nations that need or desire them. When a nation lacks the resources needed to produce goods domestically, it may import them form anther country.

Second, international trade allows a nation to specialize in production of those goods for which it is particularly suited. This ofter results in increased output, decreased costs, and higher national standard of living. Natural, human, and technical resources help determine which products a nation will specialize in.

There are two economic principles that help explain how and when specialization is advantageous. According to the theory of absolute advantage, a nation ought to specialize in the goods that it can produce more cheaply than its compe *** s or in the goods that no other nation is able to produce. According to the theory of comparative advantage, a nation ought to concentrate on the products that it can produce most efficiently and profitably.

The third benefit of international trade is its political effects. Nations that trade together develop common interests which may help them overcome political differences. Economic cooperation has been the foundation for many political alliances.

21. Nations import goods they __________.

A. produce efficiently B. specialize in

C. lack or can't produce efficiently D. do not need or desire

22. Specialization often results in ___________.

A. increased output B. decreased costs

C. higher standard of living D. all of the above

23. What is the best titll for this passage?

A. Three Benefits B. Why Nations Trade

C. What is International Trade D. Two Economic Principles

24. According to the passage, if the U.S is able to specialize in the computer industry, it is due to its ___________ resources.

A. natural B. technical C. human D. international

25. Here are some advantages of international trade concerning importing nations except ___________.

A. A great variety of goods is available

B. The national standard of living is raised

C. The international market gets flooded

D. Foreign competition endangers domestic industries





c.《燕昭王求士》 d.《寡人之于国也》

a.讽刺小说集 b.传奇小说集 c.笔记小说集 d.志怪小说集

4,先秦诸子散文中, *** 富有浪漫色彩的是

a.《论语》 b.《孟子》 c.《庄子》 d.《韩非子》


a.欧阳修 b.苏拭 c.陆游 d。辛弃疾


a,李清照 b.李白 c.李煜 d.李商隐


a,小说 b.记叙文 c.杂文 d.读书笔记

9.在我国现代诗歌史上, *** 能体现“五四”精神的诗集是

a.《女神》 b.《红烛》c.《死水》d.《北方》


a.沈雁冰 b.闻一多 c.郭沫若 d.郁达夫


a,莫泊桑 b.杰克·伦敦 c。屠格涅夫 d.欧.亨利
































阅读梁启超《论毅力) *** 后一段,回答37题.



37.作者引用孔孟名言是要说明什么观点?孔孟的话运用了哪两种论证 *** ?
























【试题例句】 Either way,one benefit of a“national”organization would be to negotiate better prices,if possible,with drug manufacturers.【2005年阅读新题型】



【试题例句】37. Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.【99年词汇37题】



【试题例句】What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition—— if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents.【2000年阅读Text5】



【僻义僻性之一】 v.致函,写姓名地址;


【试题例句】Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.【1986词汇第3题】


【试题例句】Depending on whom you are addressing,the problems will be different.【2002年阅读Text1】



【试题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the homeless.【2006年完形】




【试题例句】Indeed,just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP),perhaps it is time for GASP,Generally Accepted Security Practices,suggested Eli Noam of New York‘s Columbia Business School.【2007年阅读新题型】

【经典译文】纽约哥伦比亚商学院的伊利·诺姆建议说,的确,正如有公认的会计准则一样,也许现在应该制定公认的 *** 准则了。


【经典例句】Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?【2006年翻译】


Take something into account= take account of把…考虑在内

【经典例句】Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline,which future management efforts must take into account.【2006年阅读Text3】



【经典例句】As recently as 1995,the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails.【2003年阅读Text3】



【试题例句】30.The future of this company is ________: many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.【2001年词汇】

【A】 at odds【B】 in trouble【C】 in vain【D】 at stake

【经典译文】这家公司的未来生死未卜:它的许多优秀人才正流失到更易赚钱的 *** 企业重。【D】 at stake=at risk处在危险之中

【试题例句】 With$3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this year,gambling has passed *** ography as the Web‘s most profitable business.【2006年阅读新题型】

【经典译文】今年由于有35亿美元输在 *** 赌博重,赌博超过色情成为网上 *** 有利可图的行业。

【试题例句】 It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.【1955年阅读Text1】


【试题例句】Until California recently passed a law,American firms did not have to tell anyone,even the victim,when data went astray.【2007年阅读Text4】

【经典译文】 *** 近加州通过一项法律,在这之前美国公司在数据丢失时不需要通知任何人,甚至是受害者本人。

【试题例句】market-oriented economy市场经济【1994阅读Text1】

【试题例句】 For each dollar of GDP(in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973.【2003阅读Text3】


An economy class air ticket is fit for ordinary workers,because it costs much less.

【经典译文】经济舱机票对一般工作人员比较合适,因为它的价格要便宜得多。【同源词】economic a.经济的,经济学的

【试题例句】socio-economic status社会经济地位【1991阅读Text2】

economical a.经济的(强调节省钱和资源);节约的

【试题例句】 the use of cars has proved to be more economical.【89阅读Text 2, 19题D选项】



【试题例句】The point is this:without agreement on the rights of people,arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless.【1997年翻译】



【试题例句】 He is not arguing, as many do,that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.【2005年阅读Text4】


【试题例句】The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates.【1998年阅读Text4】


【试题例句】When the work is well done,a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.【1999年完形】

【经典译文】如果此项工作做得好的话,就会形成无事故作业的好风气,因此那儿的因工伤事故所造成的时间损失就会被控制在 *** 低限度。

【试题例句】If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened,more time might be spent teaching children surer values.【1995年阅读text4】


【试题例句】Mr. McWhorter‘s academic specialty is language history and change,and he sees the gradual disappearance of“whom",for example,to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.【2005年阅读4】


【试题例句】 Leonard Schlesinger,a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain,a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes,says that much“reengineering” has been crude.【1998年阅读text2】


National Academy of Science国家科学学院


【试题例句】Energy conservation,a shift to other fuels and decline in the importance of heavy,energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.【2002年阅读text3】



【试题例句】On anther level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted- *** (医生协助自杀) debated has been fueled in part by the despair of parents for whom the modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.【2002年阅读text4】


【试题例句】Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.【2007年阅读新题型】


【试题例句】If you feel awkward being humorous,you must practice so that it becomes more natural【2002年阅读Text1】


【试题例句】Indeed,just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP),perhaps it is time for GASP,Generally Accepted Security Practices,suggested Eli Noam of New York‘s Columbia Business School.【2007年阅读新题型】

【经典译文】纽约哥伦比亚商学院的伊利·诺姆建议说,的确,正如有公认的会计准则一样,也许现在应该制定公认的 *** 准则了。

【僻义僻性】n.(科学的) *** ,途经

Approaching death接近死亡【2002年阅读Text4】


【试题例句】I have excluded him because,while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.【2006年翻译48题】

charge with在这里表示‘使承担…。任务’;而并非‘指控…某人’


【僻义僻性】n.(科学的) *** ,途经

【试题例句】For retailers,who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas,the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.【2004年阅读Text3】



