专升本周记 统招专升本作文

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专升本周记 统招专升本作文-第1张图片-汇成专升本网





3、如何面对压力How to Cope with Pressure

4、 At a fast-speed society, every one of us is exposed to great pressure in both life and work. Therefore it is increasingly important for us to learn how to cope with pressure. In my opinion, the best way to cope with pressure is keeping a good mood.

5、 Keeping a good mood is important because it can help us solve various problems in life. The following two situations can enable us to clearly see how a positive attitude helps us cope with unpleasant things. Take English learning for example. In our effort to grasp English, mistakes are inevitable. From one perspectives mistakes are annoying, but a positive attitude can make us realize that only through making mistakes can we make progress. Sometimes one may come down with a serious cold, feeling depressed. But a change in attitude will enable us to look at the thing from a positive perspective. The illness will teach us the importance of health.

6、 As we can see, a positive and happy attitude can help us deal with mistakes in the right way and find comfort in time of sorrow. Its importance must be paid more attention.

7、 The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection.

8、 However, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for green foods.

9、 There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers’ interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable.

10、是否应该帮助陌生人 Should We Help Strangers

11、 Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of mankind. We need help from others throughout our life, whenever we travel to other places or stay at home. On the other hand, helping others can make us happy. We feel great joy when we are trusted, needed and able to give a hand.

12、 However, some people are cautious when it comes to helping strangers. They say that helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated. Lending a hand to a stranger often puts us in a vulnerable position for it means trusting someone we do not even know. Moreover, there are times when we have physical limitations. For instance, we can’t swim but a girl is drowning, what should we do? If we are blind to that limitation, giving a hand would conversely take our life.

13、缓解心理压力Relieve Psychological Pressure

14、 Nowadays, with fierce competition in the study, a lot of students suffer from great mental pressure. Due to it, the Students' Union will hold a Psychological Health Week next week, the theme of which is"How to Relieve Psychological Pressure".

15、 In Psychological Health Week, there will be various activities. A lecture given by a psychology professor on how to deal with the pressure of study will provide us with professional psychological guidance. There will also be a talent show to ease students' anxious feelings. In addition, a debate on"Pressure, Good or Bad?" will be expected among the students.

16、 I firmly believe the psychological health is of great significance for everyone and Psychological Health Week is really beneficial to our mental health.

17、出国留学的利弊The Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

18、 In recent years,studying abroad has become a trend. Numerous Chinese students have gone to foreign countries for further study.Meanwhile, there are many who are striking for an international education.

19、 There are several advantages to studying abroad. Firstly, living in a foreign country can improve one's language proficiency due to a better language environment. Secondly, if we explore a new country at the same time as picking up skills, we will probably gain a decent job after graduation. Thirdly, the experience of living abroad means meeting a diverse range of people, which gives us a more in-depth knowledge of other cultures as well as a good opportunity to spread our own culture.

20、 However, there are some drawbacks. Most of the students are too young and dependent to live by themselves without any living experience. Also, being in a far-off country, they may easily feel lonely and homesick. Besides, tuition and living expenses are much higher than studying in domestic schools.

21、介绍你所在的城市An Introduction to your City

22、 Our city is a new and developing city and was built at the beginning of the 1980s.

23、 The infrastructure for water, gas, electricity and other energy in this area is complete and sufficient. From here one can travel to any place by sea, by air or by land. And there is a highway leading to the capital, Beijing. Besides, there are many other advantages for the investors. For example, the areas around this city are rich in natural resources. The atmosphere is very nice. The most important thing is that the government of this city supports foreign investors in many aspects.

24、 In a sentence, this city is filled with enthusia *** and vigour. It is a good place for investors.

25、 I am Zhang San, a senior high school student in Xinhua High School. I am writing, on behalf of all the students and teachers in our school, to express my gratitude to all the medical workers for your efforts in defeating the COVID-19 pandemic.

26、 During the outbreak of the COVID-19, it was you who gave up the opportunity to take vacations and reunite with families, and went to the places where the epidemic was most severe to save patients regardless of your own safety. When I heard that many medical workers themselves have been infected while delivering medical care to the patients, I couldn't help crying.

27、 We believe that through our joint efforts, we will win the battle against the COVID-19 in the near future. Thank you again for your devotion and sacrifice!

28、                                                                                                      Yours,Zhang San

29、 Garbage Sorting Dear Henry, I'm delighted to answer your questions on garbage sorting and give more details based on my experience.

30、 Garbage sorting is to separate waste into different categories, mainly wet or dry. It's commonly applied in major cities and can be seen as a critical part of the whole process of garbage recycling. To realize environmental sustainability, garbage sorting is a necessity.

31、 First of all, waste sorting regulations are needed and communities should be provided with necessary instructions and facilities. Secondly, citizens should be fully informed of garbage sorting knowledge so as to improve the efficiency in the whole process.

32、 Finally, only when the whole society is mobilized can we truly bring some positive changes and build an environment-friendly society. So education will be very important. Hope with our joint efforts, our city can become a better home.

33、                                                                                                      Yours,Zhang San

34、 In order to cope with the situation that students cannot attend classes offline caused by COVID-19, a new teaching method-- online teaching emerged at the right moment.

35、 Teachers who become the"anchor" teach us by using online meeting Apps such as Zoom and Tencent Meeting. As for me, I think this teaching method is lively, and it can greatly stimulate my interest in learning.However, there are downsides to online courses. For example, without the teacher's supervision and peer pressure, our study efficiency may reduce.

36、 All in all, online teaching not only satisfies the need for education but also keeps the students and teachers safe during this special period of time. It's a sign of scientific and technological progress. Looking forward to your reply.

37、                                                                                                     Yours,Zhang San








标题是文章的“眼睛”,俗话说:“题好一半文,”话题作文允许自己拟题目,因此,我们要努力提高拟题水平。力争使自己拟的题目准确、凝练、含蓄、新奇,使阅卷老师“一见钟情”,这是专升本语文作文得高分的 *** 之一。

话题作文往往不限文体,允许考生自由发挥,但是,不限文体并不等于不要文体。话题作文的“文体不限”其实是指不限于一种文体,让学生有选择文体的自由,当你选定了一种文体时,还得按照这种文体的特点来谋篇布局进行写作,有的同学观察能力强,生活积累丰富,不妨将生活中精彩的片断撷取出来写成一篇生动感人的记叙文;有的同学想象力丰富,擅长编写故事,不妨写写童话、寓言或科幻小说。有的同学逻辑思维能力强,擅长推理,不妨写成一篇理据充分的议论文;有的同学感情细腻丰富,不妨写成一篇优美抒情的散文,肯定会 *** 出色。

话题作文既然是应试作文,总得给评卷老师一个好的感觉,得—个好的分数,因此,写出特色、写出新意是十分重要的,善于“独辟蹊径”也是专升本语文作文得高分的 *** ,也就是要求我们在立意上要有独特的感悟,不人云亦云;选材上要有独到的眼光,不陈题旧话;构思上要独具匠心,不四平八稳,波澜不惊;语气上要有独到的魅力,不平铺直叙泛泛而谈。





大学语文 *** 重要的就是作文了,只要把作文搞定了,我们的语文成绩才能 *** 得高分,但是要想拿到一个高分的作文,我们应该怎么去构思作文了?在平时的复习中应该注意哪些问题了,下面是给大家一些备考的技巧。











2004年:七、作文(50分) 56.题目:目标要求:A.必须写成以议论为主的文章; B.不能少于800字; C.字迹工整,卷面整洁。 2005年:五、作文(50分) 51.题目:各种频繁发生的天灾与人祸,是对人类智慧与生存能力的严峻挑战。


1998年:七、作文(40分)要求:A:必须写成议论文。 B:不能少于800字。

C:字迹工整,卷面整洁。 42.题目:一本好书给我的启示 2002年:七、作文(50分)要求:A.必须写成以议论为主的文章; B.不能少于800字; C.字迹工整,卷面整洁。




建立“语汇库”途径有二:之一是阅读。平时要广泛阅读书籍、报刊,并做好读书笔记,把一些优美的词语、句子、语段摘录在特定的本子上,也可以 *** 读书卡片上。



许多学生由于平时不注意积累素材,每到作文时就去搜肠挂肚,或者胡编或者抄袭。解决这一问题的 *** 是积累素材。




因此,有必要建立“思想库”。 *** 有二:之一要善思。









那么文章在立意时要注意哪些问题呢?(一)立意要正确正确是文章立意的之一要义,所谓正确就是要 *** 文章的感情和思想观点正确,符合客观事物的本质和规律,符合我国基本政治原则,符合人的基本道德要求,能给人以积极的启发。(二)立意要专一“作文之事,贵于专一,专则生巧,散乃人愚。”


其实,想面面俱到肯定会面面不到位,况且一篇文章只能有一个中心,与其“贪多嚼不烂”,不如集中笔墨表现一个中心,即使是通过数件事来表现中心,也要做到紧帖中心行文,目标始终如一,着墨于材料与中心的结合点,使材料蕴涵的力量全部直指中心。(三)立意要新颖文章 *** 忌随人后,人云亦云,新颖的角度是作文创新的核心。

立意新颖要求跳出陈旧的框框、不按顺向思维、习惯思维或原有的心理定式进行立意构思,而是以独到的视角去审视题目中所蕴涵的另类内容,避开他人所常写,写别人所未写。即使同一写作对象,总是可以从许多角度切入,只要我们打破思维的定式,站在时代的高度,避“俗”求“异”,多角度、多侧面思考,或联想、或扩展、或类比、或逆向,发人之所未发,就能在五颜六色的天空里构筑属于你的 *** 美的彩虹。






People's bad eating habits and lack of exercise led to the occurrence of many diseases, to strengthen the national health awareness, improve health, the World Health Organization every year on April 7 as World Health Day,

Every year a theme, this year's theme is Move for Health

People usually held sports petitions, some holding various performance activities, such as Hip-hop, rock, and so on.

Changed the passive recreation, such as stay at home w



为加强对毕业论文的指导和管理, *** 毕业论文的顺利完成,提高毕业论文的质量,每所高校对学生的毕业论文都有出台相关的管理规定,督促检查学生完成毕业论文的完成情况。

作为一名高校学生宜将毕业论文写作当作一件重要学习任务来完成,提高个人的科研能力,同时 *** 自己取得毕业资格和学士学位。




是成人高等教育专升本,其拥有四种途径:包括自考专升本、成人高考专升本(分业余和函授两种学习方式)、 *** 教育专升本(远程教育)、开放大学(原广播电视大学)专升本。

